It is as simple as that; just send us your unit for a $0 cost of inspection and a 24hr estimate. If you’re not satisfied with our quotation we will send your unit back at no charge. You only pay shipping.

23081-SER for Cessna Caravan Application

APC 160SG Series Various Application

APC 160SG Series for Agusta Westland Application

APC 200SGL132Q DC Starter Generator for Bell 412
Where is the fault? Is it the generator, the voltage regulator, the wiring? Don’t waste your time and money by replacing parts that are probably serviceable and paying hundreds on mechanic labor. Just send us your unit at $0 cost test and fault isolation and receive a written test report performed in accordance with manufacturer specifications absolutely free. On most units we also perform a “close loop test” with your voltage regulator. You only pay shipping.

APC 300SGLSeries for Cessna Citation Application

Bendix 28B141-17C Ac Generator for Fokker F-27 Familiy

Bendix 30B37-37A DC Generator for Bell Huey II

Bendix 30B37-49XX DC Generator For Lear 25 & @ Lear 26
How many times have you waited weeks for feedback from an overhaul shop? How many phone calls and emails did you need to send? Did these delays affect your lead times?
None of these will happen at EDARP!

Bendix 30B107- SER for LearJet Application

Goodrich 23080-031 DC Starter Generator for Cessna Citation Bravo

Goodrich 23080-064 DC Starter Generator for Hawker 800XP

Goodrich 23080-SER For Embraer Application

Goodrich 23080-SER for Saab Application

Goodrich 23081-018 DC Starter Generator for Bell 206

Goodrich 23081-SER for Bell Application

Goodrich 23085-SER for Pilatus Application
We don’t make any profit out of your rush. That’s why we can offer an AOG service on most of the units included in our capability list without ANY overcharge. This will certainly help you save thousands on units stocked on your shelves.

Goodrich 31342-SER for Saab Application

Lear Siegler 23032-SER for Bell Application

Lucas Aerospace 23078-SER for Hawker Beechcraft Application

Lucas Aerospace 23079-Ser for CASA Application
Just pay minimum upfront cost and ensure immediate availability of your unit. No minimum quantities and no hidden fees. It’s another way Aeronate helps you to save thousands sitting on the shelf.

Safran Power 23048-SER For Various Application

Safran Power 23048-SER For Viking Twin Otter Application

Safran Power 23080-SER for Cessna Application
EDARP is a company that for more than 35 years is dedicated to providing competitive solutions in the
maintenance of electrical and electromechanical components within the aviation industry.